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to act for the environment
Since millions of people are inspired by fashion celebrities, why not take inspiration from them to follow their actions in ecology?
Here is a list of famous people who do a lot for our Planet and who we should be inspired by, and especially people like us all who made it possible to make things happen on a large scale from scratch.
For years, Leonardo DiCaprio has been involved in various environmental causes, from forest conservation to access to drinking water and renewable energy.
It has a foundation that bears its name and struggles to restore balance in threatened communities and ecosystems.
The Oscar winner is an active member of several environmental organizations, including the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and WWF.
But we do not call all Leonardo DiCaprio, James Cameron, Robert Redford or Al Gore (former US Vice President, Nobel Peace Prize 2007 and known for being a great activist for climate change with the making of the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth“)…
Closer to us, French actresses also participate in the change for ecology.
Marion Cotillard (spokesperson for Greenpeace since 2001, who fights against deforestation, global warming and for the protection of the planet and whales) or Mélanie Laurent (co-directed film “Tomorrow”, documentary released in 2015 highlighting both small and large actions to improve the world on the environmental, societal, economic and government levels.
As we can see in the videos, #Beat Plastic Pollution and Lonely Whale, many celebrities have not waited for their government to commit to the environment.
Yes, but here at my scale
Here are people much closer to us and from all over the world, from nothing to defend their convictions. Thanks to this site, I hope that more and more citizens will take a stand and actively participate in reducing the harmful impact of humans on our oceans.
Boyan Slat
Boyan Slat (born July 27, 1994) is a young Dutch graduate,
In 2011, and at the age of 16, he discovered during a dive in Greece more plastic than fish. So he decided to do for his project in high school an investigation on the plastic pollution of the oceans. In 2012, he presented at a TEDx conference in Delft his idea of building a passive system to recover plastic waste.
In 2013, at the age of 18, he launched the project The Ocean Cleanup.. Its prototype floating barrier could be operational by 2020 and this project could clean up half of the Pacific’s surface pollution in just 10 years, and 90% of the ocean’s surface by 2040.
Paul Watson
Prior to making a name for himself around the world, Paul Watson (b. Dec. 2, 1950 in Toronto) began his wildlife protection work at the age of 9 (destroying hunter traps and preventing them from to shoot the game).
He gained experience in navigation by working for the Canadian Coast Guard and the Merchant Marines of the UK, Canada, Norway and Sweden.
He participated in the actions of the association “Don’t Make a wave commity” by launching against the nuclear tests off the island of Amchitka.
”If the ocean dies we will die“ Paul Watson
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg, born on 3 January 2003, is a Swedish climate activist.
She is known for her regular demonstrations at the Riksdag in Stockholm, Sweden under the slogan Skolstrejk för klimatet (“climate school strike”) and for giving a speech at the UN climate change conference in Katowice in 2018.
She brought with her world student demonstrations on Friday.
Fionn Ferreira
Fionn Ferreira is one of the winners of Google Science Fair 2018 – 2019.
He has been awarded the Google 16-18 Grand Prize for his work: “An investigation into the removal of microplastics from water using ferrofluids”.
His study, which removes up to 87% of the micro-plastic in water, could be used on a large scale to clean our wastewater before it spreads in to our oceans.
We can all do our part by supporting these movements that are developing around the world, ONG’s and associations.